Motorcycle Wheel Repairs Cast Alloy & Comstar Wheels Repaired
Most cast wheels can be repaired if they have any flat spots on the rim. Wheel run out can be re aligned and wheels trued up to a high degree of accuracy.
This operation is performed in a number of different ways depending on the damage to the wheel using many different specialist tools combined with our knowledge and many years of experience.
Cast Alloy Wheel Repair

This process can be applied to almost all cast wheels from classic comstar wheels to modern race wheels, both front and rear.
We also have aluminium welding facilities which allows us to be able to fill and refinish any scuffs, scrapes and chips on the face of the wheel. Please note that there is a limit to the extent of damage that we can repair, we will need to see the wheel to establish this.
Motorcycle Wheel Repairs: Please call for prices.